Are you looking to set up underground service for new construction? Experience the convenience and efficiency of Temporary Underground service (TUG). A TUG is an underground residential service where the permanent FPL approved meter socket, meter, and downpipe are configured such that they can be used for temporary service. TUGs are cost-effective, streamline operations and enhance safety. Contact your Construction Project Manager to learn how to set up a TUG today.

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Project Types

We will partner with you to provide safe and reliable electric service for your construction projects.
Planning a new project can take a few months, so please contact us early to ensure timely service.
Choose a type of service below to learn more about the project life cycle process.

New Services

New residential, commercial, temporary power, lighting projects or standby work

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Existing Services

Service upgrades, overhead to underground service conversions, disconnect/reconnect appointments

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Project Resources